The hard work and dedication of our volunteers and partners are visible throughout Columbus. The projects we have completed are located in various areas in our downtown.
Historic Columbus made its first major investment in the Bradley Circle community in 2015 with the purchase of a property secured from the Columbus Land Bank Authority. Historic preservation wears many hats, from antebellum houses and textile mills to small cottages perched on the banks of the Chattahoochee River. Historic Columbus appreciates the value, collective history, and sense of place that these places provide our town.
Bradley Circle was developed in the early 1900’s as workforce housing for the many textile mills located in the area. As the mills eventually slowed their production and work was moved to other countries with a cheaper labor force, the houses and job market were left stagnant in many cases. But new life is finding its way into this small circular street in the larger neighborhood of City Village and the newly created Mill District.
Since 2015, Historic Columbus and many other investors have witnessed the potential and positive change occurring in Bradley Circle. To date, more than 11 houses have been purchased by various buyers and are either in the process of renovation or have been completed. These modest 1,000 SF homes have some of the best views our city has to offer overlooking the whitewater section of the Chattahoochee River.
Bradley Circle has certainly made some big strides in the last few years thanks to a lot of private investment and numerous preservation partners. Historic Columbus is excited to be a part of that effort as it continues to move forward in a big way.

2807 Bradley Circle, also known as “The Shotgun Shuffle,” went under contract in less than one week on the market. The one bedroom/one bathroom house was the result of moving a threatened shotgun on 35th Street, activating a vacant lot, and helping show how saving a house can be a catalyst for economic development. Proceeds from the sale of the house will go back into the Biggers Revolving – Redevelopment Fund to be used on future preservation projects.
Left: Shotgun house on the move and in progress image. Below: After relocation and renovation work.

Historic Columbus' other property in the circle, 2937 Bradley Circle, is receiving a needed bathroom repair and update and will soon hit the market for sale as well in the next couple of weeks. This home, unlike the shuffle house, is move-in ready. The property is a great primary residence or investment property as a 2 bedroom, 2 bath house that overlooks the river. Like the shuffle the proceeds from the home will be used for future preservation projects.