Revitalize historic Columbus neighborhoods.
Educate the public about local and regional history.
Advocate the benefits that are derived from historic preservation.
Preserve the historical, architectural and cultural character of Columbus and its environs.
IMPACT FY 2023 - 2024
This past year, your love for historic preservation had a significant impact. More than $2,500,000 was invested in meaningful preservation projects and education programming thanks to your commitment and support. From low interest façade and rehab loans to moving endangered houses to developing an outdoor history trail – this has been an exciting year.
Historic preservation has only flourished in Columbus because of your passion for the history of this town, its stories, and its people. Thank you for your partnership with Historic Columbus and for all you do for our community.
Below is a listing of the work accomplished in FY 2023-2024 thanks to the support of our membership, corporate partners, and private local foundations. Historic Columbus' fiscal year run from October 1st - September 30th.
Revitalize: Since 1997, over 250 low interest Façade and Rehab Loans have been made to property owners by Historic Columbus representing over $2 Million of total investment in our historic neighborhoods. These loans are available to any owner of a property that is over 50 years old to help install a new roof, put a fresh coat of paint on the outside of your house, or provide funds for a full renovation. Currently, there are 21 active façade and rehab loans, representing over $500,000 of investment in our historic neighborhoods in Uptown and Midtown Columbus.
Educate: Three years ago, Rick McKnight invited Historic Columbus to collaborate with FabArts to develop an interactive play, called the Rivertown Play, for third graders that would focus on helping them learn about the history of our town. This past year, it reached over 1,000 third graders in 20 of our elementary schools. Historic Columbus has also continued its investment in education through the Patricia Jackson Howard Scholarship, named in memory of our second executive director. To date, over $55,000 has been provided to graduating seniors in Patti’s memory.
Advocate: Sharing our community’s history, legacies, and stories is at the heart of our mission, as well as advocating for the benefits that preservation can bring. Our main advocacy effort this past year was a statewide initiative led by the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. Historic rehabilitation tax credits are directly responsible for the revitalization of many commercial buildings and historic homes in the State of Georgia and in Columbus each year.
Preserve: Three and half years ago, the Historic Columbus staff and Board began envisioning a new future for Heritage Park and the Chattahoochee Promenade. It has become Historic Columbus’ largest investment ($5,000,000) and biggest project in terms of scope. The overall concept is to revitalize the Chattahoochee Promenade and expand the history of our city told by moving the industrial history elements from the former Heritage Park site on Broadway to the Promenade along with creating the new Clifford and Bobsie Swift History Trail, return the Heritage Park property to its original residential use, and save five historic structures for them to become single family homes once again by moving them to the Heritage Park property.
Columbus has rapidly grown over the past several years. It is a small, yet very unique city where many events and people have contributed into changing the entire world. Want to go on a tour with us? Send us an email and we will take on a Historic Columbus adventure!